Natural Gas Chimney Systems and the Importance of Data Security
It is vital to ensure the accuracy of the data used in the process of calculating the specifications for natural gas chimney systems. That’s what ChimneyMaster does, not only verifying the data and the calculations of the natural gas chimney system but also specifying any user changes to the system’s parameters.
ChimneyMaster helps facilitate this process in a number of ways. The data you use when designing natural gas chimney systems on ChimneyMaster is primarily catalog data, changes to which are not allowed except in the event a user needs to correct an input error. All data in natural gas chimney systems is shown in the chimney reports. ChimneyMaster guarantees the accuracy of this data, which it uses in all its calculations, and calls your attention to any changes made by highlighting the relevant area, which greatly simplifies review for gas distributors.